Thursday, January 10, 2019

How to create repository in GitHub and manage it from Visual Studio version 2017

GitHub is a repository available online where any developer can register by providing his email id. Once you have registered you can create a new repository there by following below mentioned steps:

  1. Login into your github account and click on New Repository button
  2. Fill all the required details in the form that opens after clicking on the New Repository Button. Don't forget to select the checkbox for "Initialize this repository with a ReadMe". It will be helpful in immediate cloning.
  3. Now, once you click on Create repository button, your new repository will be ready.
  4. Now, you can take this repository to your local environment by number of ways like by Opening on Desktop, Downloading the zip file for this repository or by creating a fork or clone of this repository. The best and secure way is to use fork or clone. So, click on Clone or download drop down and copy the URL. 
  5. Now, Open your Visual studio code editor and click on Top Menu -> Files -> Open folder and then select the folder in which you want to download your cloned project.
  6. Now go to the Menu -> View -> Terminal and execute the command like git clone in the terminal window in visual studio code
  7. Now, your fork or cloned project is downloaded in your local. You can see your
Thus, here, we understood the following things like:
  1. How to register in GitHub
  2. How to create your repository in GitHub
  3. How to Clone your repository in GitHub
  4. How to Checkout your cloned repository from GitHub to your local through Visual Studio code editor
In my next blog, I will discuss about the different steps involved in committing your code to your GitHub repository.

Feel free to add your suggestion or comments.