Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Read all sheets of an excel file in NodeJs using XLSX package
Sunday, July 18, 2021
How to manage Zoom meeting programmatically - PART 2
Part 1 link: How to manage Zoom meeting programmatically - PART 1
In part 1 of this blog, we understood how to register our application with Zoom to get API Key and Secret Key to be used in programmatic interaction of your application with Zoom services. Now, we will understand how to create, update and delete a zoom meeting.
Different routes in our node js service
JWT Token for authentication and authorization on zoom side
In every interaction of our application with Zoom services, we have to send JWT token for authentication and authorization to Zoom service. This JWT token is created by using API Key and Secret key that we have received during registration of our application with zoom market place. I am creating this JWT token in a middleware function in auth.js file
I have kept API Key and Secret Key in a config file named as config.js as follows:
Code for different operation with Zoom meeting
Here, I am giving the code for below operation like
- Get details of the user whose email Id is registered with Zoom market place and going to be used as a host email id for all zoom meetings
- Creating a zoom meeting
- Update a meeting by changing the meeting time, meeting agenda etc.
- Delete a meeting
- Get the details of a meeting
Friday, July 16, 2021
How to manage Zoom meeting programmatically - PART 1
As an user, its very simple to manage the Zoom meeting by signing up in Zoom and managing the meeting through Zoom console. But, as a programmer, we need to integrate Zoom video meeting with our application and we need to manage the Zoom meetings programmatically through our application so that our application's user does not required to be registered with Zoom to use Zoom meeting through our application.
- Either purchase zoom license or we can use free version also but with some limitation like each meeting with only 40 minute max duration, only one meeting at a time for a host, meeting auto recording in Cloud etc. I am explaining here for free version.
- Register on Zoom( with one of your email id. This email id will be used as host email id while creating the zoom meeting programmatically from your application.
- Login to Zoom market place( with the credentials generated after signing up in step 2.
- Click on the dropdown "Develop" and select "Build App" as shown in below screenshot
5. In next page, we should select the required App type. There are several options like JWT, OAuth, Chatbot, SDK, Webhook etc. I am going with JWT. So, click on "Create" button in JWT box. I have already created app with JWT, so I am getting "View here" button instead of "Create".
6. Fill the form completely and activate your app
7. Finally, we will reach on our app credential page where we will get API Key and API Secret for our app that we registered with Zoom market place. These two keys will be used to create Authentication token programmatically in our application when our application wants to interact with the exposed services of Zoom to manage video meetings
8. Save these API key and secret key in your environment configuration variables or in DB in your application from where you can get it whenever required to interact with Zoom services.